The Compost Quality Spectrum

Presentation and Discussion on the Scientific Analysis of Plant Growth Across 300+ Compost Samples

About the Event

Tour a research facility as the growing season comes to an end.

Learn how you can improve the quality of your compost.

Connect with other compost professionals in-person or online

  • Community Composters

  • Master Gardeners and Master Composters

  • Municipalities

  • Horticulturists, Greenhouse Growers and Plant Nurseries

  • Farmers and Farm Composters

  • Ohio EPA's registered and exempt composting facilities

  • Community gardeners / urban farmers

  • State and local decision makers (legislators, city council members, city administrators

  • Regulators (Ohio EPA and health department inspectors, zoning officials)

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Solid Waste Management Districts

  • Educators / Researchers (soil fertility, microbiology, water protection)

A Deep Dive into Compost Quality Research 🌱

Do you operate a compost facility or are you a soil maker eager to enhance your knowledge and practices?

Join us for an enlightening and interactive session centered around the extensive research conducted on the quality of 300 different composts at The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company.

Hear directly from the scientists behind the research, connect with fellow attendees, and learn about the advancements in compost end use.

The difference in compost qualities is the starting point for appropriate end use.

We will discuss the challenges and opportunities of utilizing compost nationwide to produce growing media products from a sourcing, research, regulatory, and manufacturing perspective.

We will learn about how Scotts Miracle Gro builds a strategy to source regional compost, evaluates and qualifies composts, utilizes composts at manufacturing facilities, and the registration process for bagged products with state and third party agencies. 

This will be followed by a tour of the Marysville research facility for in-person participants where we view research capabilities and see current research evaluating compost use as a fertilizer, and a virtual tour of research and manufacturing capabilities for online participants.

Learn how you can improve the quality of your compost and connect with other compost professionals in-person or online.  Join us for a fun day exploring the possibilities of utilizing composts in bagged growing media products.

Our panelists will talk about the criteria they use to asses the quality of compost and share their findings with you.

Engage with them during our Q&A session.

You will come away with ideas on how to improve the quality of your compost.

We gather in-person and live-stream online

We aim to create a welcoming space for serious composters to connect with soil and compost scientists.

OHOC seeks to foster a vibrant community dedicated to eliminating food waste and making high quality compost.

Take this opportunity to network and establish connections with fellow composting professionals and soil makers in Ohio.

In addition to insightful discussions, we will tour Scotts' fields and greenhouses where you can see the test set up first hand.

If you are passionate about making high quality compost and formulating premium soil, this event is for you.

Join us, make new friends, learn from experts, and have a wonderful time.

Event Details

Event Date: October 13th, 2023

Time: 9am -1pm EST

Cost: Free

Location: The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company

14310 Scottslawn Road

Marysville, OH 43041

Virtual: We will live stream the keynote, lectures and panel discussion and Q&A session from 9:00am to 11:00am EST.

The event location is located close to Route 33. Click link for directions.

Parking and Entrance

We are excited to get together.

Event Schedule


Arrival Guests will check in at the front desk, grab a refreshment and meet in Leaf.

Arrive early if you can - it takes a while to get through registration.


Introduction - Dr. Fred Michel


Building a strategy around regionally sourced composts - Kelly Walker


How Scotts Miracle Gro capitalizes on the multiple benefits of composts in growing media products - Tera Lewandowski


Rules affecting compost use in conventional and organic finished goods - Greg Cunningham


Effective utilization of composts in growing media products - Rick Wentling


Panel Discussion - Kelly Walker, Tera Lewandowski, Greg Cunningham, Rick Wentling, Daisy D’Angelo, John Foster


Tour Site Tour - discussing emerging research & capabilities

Compost Quality - Compost recipe improvement


Bioassay Test Kit

Product Commercialization


Social Hour

Guests will meet in Leaf for refreshments, informal conversation and debrief

Our Event Sponsors

Scotts offers a variety of products, including fertilizers, pest control, and soil blends with compost.

Committed to environmental sustainability, Scotts Miracle-Gro invests in creating effective and eco-friendly products..

This event series is partially funded by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

With missions of teaching, research, and Extension, OSU’s CFAES focuses on ensuring viable agriculture production, food security and safety, and environmental and ecosystem sustainability.

The CFAES Ohio Composting and Manure Management (OCAMM) program facilitates research, development, and communication of sustainable strategies for the management of organics for Ohio communities and farms.

Watch the live event recording

About the Panelists:

Michael Bryan Brown - Green Mountain Technologies

Daisy D'Angelo

Horticultural Scientist in Growing Media, Scotts Miracle-Gro

She tests novel growing media inputs and formulates new soil amendment and mulch products.

She works extensively with finished composts from around the country, characterizing their chemical, physical, and biological properties to ensure product quality and stability. This includes conducting and managing numerous greenhouse and field trials evaluating plant growth responses to these inputs.

Daisy received her MS in Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University in 2014 and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. with OSU’s department of Food, Agriculture, and Biological Engineering with a focus on compost characterization.

Developing a persistent herbicide detection test kit is one of the objectives of her research.

Dr. Fred Michel

Professor at Ohio State University

Dr. Michel is a distinguished researcher in composting and bioprocessing. His work focuses on recycling food scraps, yard trimmings, and manure, mitigating contaminants, and understanding composts' effects on microbial ecology.

He is a board member of the Ohio Organics Council and holds other key positions.

He teaches the Ohio Compost Operator Education Course and has published over seventy peer-reviewed papers.

Kelly Walker

Director of Regional Growing Media Procurement

His primary focus is on developing a groundbreaking strategy centered around regionally sourced composts

Greg Cunningham
Director of Regulatory Affairs, Growing Media

Centers attention on regulations pertaining to the utilization of compost in both conventional and organic finished products.

Tera Lewandowski

Sr. Scientist, Growing Media

Specializes in the strategic utilization of composts and how Scotts Miracle-Gro harnesses their benefits within growing media products.

Rick Wentling

Plant Manager in Orrville, Ohio

Dedicated to the efficient and innovative application of composts within growing media products.

About the Organizers

The Ohio Organics Council

The Ohio Organics Council (OHOC) is the official Ohio State Chapter of the US Composting Council, advocating for organics recycling. Our mission is to increase the amount of organics recycled in Ohio by influencing legislation, training professionals, and facilitating dialogue among stakeholders. We offer membership opportunities for individuals interested in advancing organics recycling and provide financial support to gain influence.

Scotts Miracle Gro

The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company, headquartered in Marysville, Ohio, is a global leader in the manufacture and marketing of consumer lawn, garden, and hydroponic products. Since its founding in 1868, the company has been dedicated to helping people create beautiful outdoor spaces and thriving gardens. They are an OHOC member and have been testing compost qualities in cooperation with Ohio State University,
Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering.

Compost Marketing Agency

The event series is planned and executed by the Compost Marketing Agency. They are supporting organizations and businesses in the organics recycling industry. You can contact their event team ([email protected]) to request additional information, press kits or about sponsoring opportunities.

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