We Represent Composting in Ohio

OHOC Board Members

Our Board of Directors is full of enthusiastic volunteers.

Get to know them better, and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

Jason Ziss

Kurtz Bros.

Frederick Michel

Ohio State University

Mary Wicks

Ohio State University

Bob Schanz

Barnes Nursery

Jim Skora

Ashland County Solid Waste District

Nathan Rutz

Rust Belt Riders

Bart Morr

Paradise Lawn Care Inc.

Nate Andre

Andre Farms

Greg Cunningham

The Scotts Company

Steve Mack

Ohio University

Frederick C. Michel Jr.

Frederick is a man of science. He has dedicated his life to researching the best ways to break down organic materials

and increase their value.

He lives and works in Wooster Ohio, which is at the center of one of the largest and most diverse agricultural counties in Ohio. Here, he has access to some of the best resources for conducting his research.

Fred joined the board of directors at Ohio Organics Council because he is committed to improving the sustainability of organics management through research and education.

He wants to be engaged with the industry, learn about challenges and successes and provide scientific insight to help move organics recycling forward in Ohio.

Frederick C. Michel Jr. is a Professor of Biosystems Engineering at The Ohio State University and has been with the department since 1999.

He is also the Editor of Compost Science and Utilization Journal, which he has held since 2006.

From 2005-2006, he was a Visiting Research Scientist at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Dr. Michel earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Michigan State University in 1992 and his BS degrees in Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado in 1986.

Jim Skora

Jim Skora is the District Coordinator for the Ashland County Solid Waste Management District.

With over thirty years of experience in the hazardous and solid waste management industry, Jim has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share.

He has successfully provided technical and project management support to commercial and government entities throughout Ohio and the country.

Jim is a graduate of Bowling Green State University with a B.S. in Environmental Science, making him an expert on all things related to waste management.

When it comes to dealing with solid or hazardous waste you can rely on Jim to have advice for you.

Mary Wicks

Mary Wicks is the Program Coordinator for OCAMM (Ohio Composting and Manure Management) at the Ohio State University. She has over twenty years of experience in developing and implementing educational programs and materials on composting for a variety of audiences.

She especially enjoys teaching young students about the science and magic of turning food scraps and manure into a product that is good for the earth and smells wonderful.

Mary is a strong supporter of the OHOC and its efforts to grow composting and eliminate organics from landfills. She serves on the membership and education and committee and helps plan the annual OHOC education conference and OSU’s Ohio Compost Operator Course. She also organizes the annual Composting in Ohio, a tour of composting facilities throughout the state.

Mary earned a BS in Geology from Virginia Tech, an MBA from the University of Houston, and an MAT from the University of Alaska, Anchorage.

Mary is a strong supporter of the OHOC and its efforts to grow composting and eliminate organics from landfills.

She serves on the membership and education and committee and helps plan the annual OHOC education conference and OSU’s Ohio Compost Operator Course.

She also organizes the annual Composting in Ohio, a tour of composting facilities throughout the state.

Bob Schanz

Bob Schanz has been in the composting and wood recycling business for over 35 years. Currently, he is the director of Barnes Nursery's Organic Recycling Operations, where his focus is on soil blending and marketing compost in mixes.

Bob resides in Medina, Ohio with his wife and two children.

Bart Morr

Bart Morr has been composting since 1991. He is the President of Paradise Lawncare and remains hands on grinding brush and screening finished compost.

Bart runs two locations where he makes compost. They include an EPA Class 2 and Class 3 Compost Site, as well as an EPA Class 4 Compost Site.

He has extensive experience in composting operations because he has been composting for 30 years.

Bart loves his work, seeing something in its raw form and turning it into something worthwhile that can be used to improve soil quality. This is why he is so passionate about composting, and why he wants to help advocate for the organics recycling industry as a member of OHOC.

Bart has been a longstanding member of OHOC (even before it became an USCC state chapter) and is very active in the Membership Committee. He believes others should join the Ohio Organics Council because there is a lot that we can share to make the industry stronger.

Bart More loves participating in the annual conference because there is so much he has learned from other members.

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