There is no Away

Solving the organics recycling puzzle in Cuyahoga County. Join the table, voice your perspective, and commit to collective action.

👉 This event took place in November 2023.

Check Out the Visual Summary

Takeaways From the Panel Discussion

Takeaways From The Group Session

About the Event

Open discussions, multiple rounds of small group conversations at different tables, followed by a collective sharing of insights to tap into the collective intelligence or wisdom present.

A Meeting to Advance Organics Recycling

In Cuyahoga County, the disposal of food into landfills is a pressing issue that demands our attention and collective action. This event is an initiative to address this challenge and to create a platform for active engagement and solution-oriented discussions concerning organic waste management and organics recycling in our communities.

The day commences with a panel discussion that sets the context for the organic waste status quo in Cuyahoga County that will be accompanied by a live graphic recorder Jo from ‘See Your Words". You can see more of Jo’s work here.

Then we will break out in small groups, adopting the World Cafe Format, a process focused on fostering open dialogue and collective intelligence in a non-formal, cafe-style setting. The discussions are structured to encourage every participant's active engagement, making your input a valuable asset to the collective narrative. Your insights, allied with those of others, can form a robust network aiming to derive actionable items and sustainable solutions for organic waste management in our county.

The objective is to emerge from this event with a fortified community network and a list of actionable items that propel us closer to sustainable organics recycling solutions.

Your participation is crucial in driving meaningful dialogue and action.Join us in this proactive venture to drive change and ensure that when it comes to waste, there truly is no "away." Together, we can foster a sustainable future for Cuyahoga County, transforming challenges into opportunities through collective action and engagement.

We Gather In-person and Live-stream Online

The event will take place live in Cleveland Heights and virtually on zoom. Our conversation locally will be centered around what we can do in Cuyahoga County.

We are also inviting stakeholders from other communities to use this forum and our virtual breakout sessions to start engaging with each other. 

We are aware that many local communities around the globe are facing the same predicament on how to tackle organic waste and we are encouraging you to join us.

We aim to create a welcoming space for all those that need to come together in order to advance organics recycling.

OHOC seeks to foster a vibrant community dedicated to reducing food waste and transforming organic waste streams into compost.

Take this opportunity to network and establish connections with fellow sustainability and recycling professionals in Cuyahoga County and from all over the country.

If you are passionate about advancing organics recycling, this event is for you. Join us, share your expertise, make new friends, learn from your peers, and unite to make an impact.

  • Municipalities

  • Ohio EPA's registered and exempt composting facilities

  • Schools (Teachers and Administrative Personnel)

  • Educators / Researchers (soil fertility, microbiology, water protection)

  • Community gardeners / urban farmers

  • State and local decision makers (legislators, city council members, city administrators

  • Regulators (Ohio EPA and health department inspectors, zoning officials)

  • Nonprofit organizations

  • Solid Waste Management Districts

Feed People, Not Landfills.

Event Schedule

8:30-9:00: Welcoming Mingle

Get ready to kick off the event by mingling and connecting with fellow participants in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

9:00-10:00: Panel Discussions, closing with Q&A session

Engage in insightful panel discussions, and conclude with a Q&A session where you can interact with the panelists and delve deeper into the topics discussed.

10:00-11:30: Community Conversation

Experience a dynamic and interactive "World Cafe" format, where you'll have the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with others on various community-related topics.

Our Event Sponsors

Generously sponsored by the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District.

This event series is partially funded by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

About the Panelists:

Michael Bryan Brown - Green Mountain Technologies

Beth Biggins-Ramer

Executive Director at Cuyahoga Recycles (Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District)

Michael Bryan Brown - Green Mountain Technologies

Daniel Brown

Co-Founder, Rust Belt Riders

Michael Bryan Brown - Green Mountain Technologies

Jason Ziss

Business Development at Kurtz Bros and President of the Ohio Organics Council

Michael Bryan Brown - Green Mountain Technologies

Orensel Brumfield

Recycling Coordinator at City of Cleveland

About the Organizers

The Ohio Organics Council

The Ohio Organics Council (OHOC) is the official Ohio State Chapter of the US Composting Council, advocating for organics recycling. Our mission is to increase the amount of organics recycled in Ohio by influencing legislation, training professionals, and facilitating dialogue among stakeholders. We offer membership opportunities for individuals interested in advancing organics recycling and provide financial support to gain influence.

Rust Belt Riders

Rust Belt Riders is a worker-owned cooperative focused on climate resilience, food autonomy, and workplace democracy, with a mission to "Feed People, Not Landfills." They provide composting solutions for food waste to individuals and organizations, transforming this waste into compost and soil blends that nourish regional food growth. Operating since 2014 in Northeast Ohio, they offer a sustainable alternative to landfills for food scraps, supporting local food systems and creating value-added agricultural products

Compost Marketing Agency

The event series is planned and executed by the Compost Marketing Agency. They are supporting organizations and businesses in the organics recycling industry. You can contact their event team ([email protected]) to request additional information, press kits or about sponsoring opportunities.


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